Board Governance
How do you recruit an engaged board and inspire them to advocate for your organization? Our experts can help you identify gaps in your board composition, define roles and responsibilities of effective board members, enhance your board’s engagement with your nonprofit, and enrich your board member recruitment.
- Learn the fundamentals of nonprofit board service
- Recruit top talent for your board
- Improve the CEO and board chair partnership
Board Governance
What does it really take to be a nonprofit board member? Join the Board Leader Certificate to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be an active nonprofit board member. In this three-part series, you’ll learn alongside other professionals who are passionate about a cause and are ready to serve. This course is for individuals who are serious about board membership, including those who would like to be on a board and those already serving on one.
Board Governance
- What Every Board Member Should Know, 2019 edition: Newly updated guidebook created by CNEMT, TN Secretary of State, and TN Attorney General
- BoardSource: Tools and news for nonprofit board members
- Leading with Intent: A series of studies tracking and analyzing trends in nonprofit board leadership since 1994. Learn more about the trends and insights of today’s nonprofit boards in order to achieve your mission through exceptional board leadership.
- Diverse Boards Make Better Decisions. So Why Are So Many So White?: A 2017 study by BoardSource found that 84 percent of board members and 90 percent of board chairs were white. And at least a quarter of boards were all white. Why is that and how do we shift?
- Four Signs Your Board is Ready to Put Equity on the Table: How can board members and executives know if their board is ready for deeper work in pursuit of equity? Here are four signs as well as some concrete strategies to get them there.
- Is Your Board Ready to Work on Diversity?: Suggestions to prepare your board for beginning Equity, Diversity and Inclusion work, starting with board diversity.