Opportunity for free membership from the Tennessee Chapter of the Grant Professionals Association

Revenue Development

February 16, 2018

from the Nashville Area Chapter GPA:

The Tennessee Chapter (Nashville Area) of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) is offering a free one-year professional membership. As you all know, GPA is the premier membership organization of grant professionals and provides resources and tools to assist you in improving your skills and knowledge as a grant professional. The local Chapter meets every other month and offers opportunities for networking and professional development. Visit grantprofessionals.org for additional information.

For those interested in a free one-year membership, apply by email no later than Thursday, March 15, 2018. Eligible applicants include: 1) any individual who is currently active in the field or an aspiring grant professional, 2) individuals who are not current Tennessee GPA chapter members, and 3) current or recent Tennessee GPA chapter members who, due to recent career transition, are experiencing financial need that otherwise precludes them from continuing active membership.

To apply, send an email to the attention of Trinity Weathersby, Secretary of the Tennessee GPA Chapter, at nashvilleareagpa@gmail.com with the following email subject: TN GPA Gift Membership Application.

Attach to the email a Word document (not to exceed one page) that contains the following:



Email + Phone Contact Information

Need Statement

Your need statement should answer the questions:

1) Why is it important to you to be a chapter member?

2) What are you hoping to learn?

3) What will you contribute to the chapter as an active member?