What types of projects are supported by the J.D. Elliot Leadership Development Fund?
September 2, 2019
Through this fund, CNEMT also offers a broad and deep array of board-focused consulting work to help nonprofit board leaders work through problems or opportunities. Our board-focused services include recruitment modeling, understanding roles and responsibilities, board engagement, and best practices for governance.
Specifically, these services could include establishing and maintaining effective bylaws, dealing with conflict and difficult organizational conversations, service enhancement plans, financial analysis, and more.
While these topics may serve as places to start, the governance consulting services are designed to be customized for each agency depending on the agency’s needs. These services are perfect for agencies and boards that want to tackle a specific topic in-depth.
The cost for these consulting services will be supplemented through scholarships provided by the J.D. Elliott Leadership Development Fund, which is part of the NEF program. The amount of total funding and the percentage of scholarship support are based on agency budget size as well as the nature and scope of your project. Requests are reviewed in the order in which they are received and funds are subject to availability.
Reach out to consulting@cnemt.org with inquiries.