An announcement from the Chair of CNM’s Board of Directors

Nonprofit Leadership

January 3, 2023

Dear CNM Members, Partners, and Friends:

On behalf of our board of directors and staff at CNM, we want to wish you a very Happy New Year and extend our sincerest thanks for your support, engagement, and goodwill as we move into 2023. We are truly grateful for you and all that you do!

We are writing to you today to share the bittersweet news that Tari Hughes, our President and Chief Executive Officer, is retiring from CNM. Prior to celebrating her sixth anniversary last month, Tari asked our board of directors to begin collaborating and planning an orderly transition and retirement in 2023. Our board and staff are deeply grateful to Tari for her hard work, wisdom, and perseverance as CEO over more than half a decade, especially during these recent difficult and unpredictable years.

Six years ago, Tari began a number of important initiatives to expand and innovate CNM’s model of nonprofit excellence, and it is gratifying to reflect on the accomplishments that have benefitted CNM and our community over her tenure. We say more about that in the public announcement that was also released to the news media.

In the meantime, our daily operations and regular programming will continue as normal while our board works diligently to seek the next generation of leadership for CNM. We will keep you informed about that process as it moves forward, and welcome your feedback and input throughout this transition. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at

On behalf of our board of directors, please join us in thanking Tari and our entire staff for their immense contribution to the well-being of our community through their hard work at CNM, and let me say again how much we appreciate you and your continuing support of this organization!