Catherine Self

Dr. Self  has worked since 2006 as a Leadership and Organizational Change Coach with Spiritual Leadership, Inc. (SLI) where she has trained and coached leaders, teams, and organizations in disciple-making systems and effective missions.  In this work, Dr. Self has partnered with numerous local churches, area teams, and parachurch organizations. In each of these places, transformational change and adaptive work have been experienced in personal formation, leadership, and organizational mission. She is currently an Adjunct Professor of Leadership at Asbury Theological Seminary. In addition, Dr. Self has served as VP for Organizational Learning with a multi-hospital healthcare system, and retired in 2017 from her role as CEO with The Healing Trust, a grant-making, private foundation.

Dr. Self is a graduate of the University of Tennessee (1972), Trinity Western University (MAL, 2003), and has a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Regent University (2009).  She and her husband Barney have been married since 1975 and have two children and seven grandchildren.